Pregnancies are divided into trimesters. The first trimester ends at week 13, and the second trimester runs through week 27.
In Maryland, you have three options for your pregnancy during the second trimester: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or choose to parent. Let’s take a closer look at each.
Maryland allows abortion until fetal viability (around week 23). The FDA only approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, you would need to have a surgical procedure.
Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, you would either have a D & C (dilation and curettage) or a D & E (dilation and evacuation). Both of these procedures require the dilation (opening) of your cervix (which leads to your uterus) and either general or local anesthesia.
Being aware of the various side effects and risks of a second-trimester abortion is essential. You need to know what to expect. One study reported women are more likely to feel greater pain during a second-trimester abortion.
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can provide information on various procedures, side effects to expect, and potential risks.
Parenting might feel like an impossible option. You might still be in school or worried about how you would financially support a child. While these concerns are understandable and valid, many resources can help if you choose this option.
At Women’s Care, we offer insight into pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting through education and assistance. We can also provide community referrals for services like housing, food, childcare, and financial support.
The adoption process today is very different from adoption a few decades ago. Now, the expectant mother makes a plan for her child by choosing the adoptive family and the future she hopes her child will have.
In addition to selecting the adoptive couple, the expectant mother can choose the amount of communication she wants. The most popular plan is a semi-open adoption, with which you can exchange letters and photos sent through your adoption coordinator.
There are other plans to choose from. Before considering this option, speaking with an adoption counselor to learn how it might impact you and what to expect is essential. We cannot place your child for adoption but can provide referrals to reputable licensed agencies.
Let Our Team Help You
As you consider your second-trimester options, let us help you. Our caring staff can discuss your situation and help you review your options. It costs nothing to sit and chat with us.
You can reach us by filling out our confidential online form, calling (410) 761-8082, or texting (443) 422-3373. We’re here for you.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.